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The Covid-19 pandemic has brought significant challenges to many organisations, along with opportunities for others. The benefits of having a sound business continuity programme could not have been made any clearer and, as we head into the future, the requirement for ongoing resilience is key.


Logical Resilience can bring a wealth of pragmatic and valuable knowledge based on actual experience of developing, implementing, operating and maintaining business continuity and resilience programmes to the highest international standards.


Business continuity and resilience priorities are all relative to each organisation. We provide a wide variety of services that can be tailored to suit your organisation's needs and requirements, and will work with you to achieve your desired objectives.


If you are looking for:


  • strategic, interim or direct management support,

  • advice and guidance on developing improving your BC programme or aspiring to certification to ISO 22301

  • an independent review and opinion on your current BC and resilience programme and its capabilities

  • providing development, support and mentoring for your people


then Logical Resilience is the place for you.


If you would like to know more about us, then please click here


Want to get in touch? Then please contact us here.



Go Team


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